Dear Diary:
Ihave to tell you that all this spiritual work I ve been trying to do is working, I really can say now that everywhere I go, everything I do , I feel it like " This is exactly what I want to do right now" This feeling gives me 2 things
1. Less anxiety, coz life gets calmer and nicer
2. More awareness, awareness of what I am doing , what I am feeling, what I am thinking and that is absolutely magnificient
I am so excited for everything I am doing and I want to do , there are just many things I want to learn, people I want to spend time with, feelings I want to work on, personality I want to develop and projects I want to be part of, all that makes my life full of surprises, events and happiness.
I am learning to produce my own happiness, and I have to say that this feel like if I was going out of jail, a jail that I have built myself in order to adapt to the world I thought I lived in.. everything was a lie, everything can and does change!!
This is so exciting
LIFE I am here to live you!!