domingo, 24 de febrero de 2013

Remembering the purpose

Sometimes I tend to forget what is the reality of my life,what are the things that really matter and isnot the career, beauty, longevity or even love couple, its much more than that is the effort that I can do to make this world a bit better, its the energy I transmit in every person that passes by, the joy of every moment, the decision of not hurting anyone and regret for it, its realizing of the mistakes I make and try as many times as it is necessary to avoid repeating them.

I know is hard, as a human i tend to be selfish, to ignore whatever feeling that hurts me and at the end is like living in a bubble, inside an ok bubble. I live in a country that despite the good feelings of the majority, we are in a constant battle against ourselves, corruption, drugs, murders, lies, and we have learnt to see it naturally, How did we get to this point? How a society can see a murder as a "day to day" reality? How could we get to be so indifferent to the brother's pain? How did this happen?

I know that sometimes the frustration is overwhelming, and that's what we decide to pretend "is not happening", of course its easier, If I don't accept it, it doesn't exist.

In my life i keep having teachers, one of them accompany my life for 10 years, and I get happy when I talk to him, today I had a great conversation and my soul was in peace. The other one is next to me right now, he is teaching me patience, he is teaching me to let things flow and that actions say more than words and promises, he is with me every day and is my inspiration to fight, to work, I hope I can teach him something for his life.

Challenges are around us, and if we sucumb to them, our hearth will suffer, I am learning this day b day and i hope i will have the strength to keep my goals clear.

 Thanks diary for listening, one more time.