jueves, 7 de agosto de 2008

Being faitfhful to yourself

Dear Diary:

I ll write u in english today because i promes my sis i ll do it, I have had a crazy day but i have learnt many useful things so i need to writethem before i forget them

1. in first place i have realized that man and woman we think in a different way , some of them (men) are thinking in a moment what r they doing or the consequences or it and then they just simply forget it , they let it go ... and some of us (women) we just let the moment happen , let it go witouth thinking of anything but after the moment has finished we just keep thinking and thinking about it ... analyzing every part of it , what makes our life and the situation a little bit more complicated than it acutaly is ... weird eh ... but interesting

2. Have u asked yourself.. Am I faithful with myself?, do u know if what u are doing is helping u to get to ur goals? or if the goals u think u have are the ones u really want ? or Am i doing anything to make my situation even worst , like auto - destroying ?

I went to therapy today and i realized some things. one of them is like i am probably being scared of something happend but at the same time i am doing something to make it happen.. isnt that nuts ? ... its probably real !

I have some other homeworks, i need to draw myself in a different times of my life writing the qualities and mistakes that i had , and then put in alist the values that i consider are important for me . i think that will help to clarify the situations i amin and why i am there .

Who iam ? Have i lost a part of me on the way ? Am i comitting sabottage to myself? ... i will find it out ,meanwhile i am quite happy ,today my co worker a psychologist that seats next tome told me that itake life in a positive way ... wow i like that people have that impression ofme ..

oh i almost forgot .. my therapist said..ask your self .. AM i doing these because of me or because of people ? and .. " dont take the opinion of others about u so seriously some peole will see something in you that they want to change in them .. they can seeu like in a mirror and it may not be true so .. if u like smething about urself no matter what people think .. is real andis good and if u dont like it . the same thing .. try to pleace your self and no one else about urself.

Wow i learnt alot today .. really happy about it

That goes for u sis ,. in english jaaja

Bye diary thanks for listening to me today

3 comentarios:

J dijo...

Hey you still here!!!

Is really good back and find that you keep in the road, about the things you wrote, I think that you are doing the most important, that is ask your self, normally the people forgot do it, so still asking because the answer arrive alone =)

La soñadora dijo...

Thanks friend... yea even if my task will be not to think to much about everything and i am really working on it jaaja :)thanks for ur comment pinky!

queli dijo...

the way your life is taking is the way you are asking about it....

everything in life is so simple and we can make it as complicated as we want....

ask is easy, the most interesting part is the way you are gonna answer all those questions...let's the challenge begins :)