viernes, 13 de marzo de 2009

Some people...... danced

Dear Diary:
I´ve watched a movie, and at the end of it, there were some sentences saying... some people .. dance... others... run... swimm.....

And I was thinking what do I do to feel alive?
What in my life i actually do not to gain money , work or study but what makes me feel alive?

In the week i have learnt some interesting facts about

How your mind actually control your body, your health, your nerves, is amazing all that can do ... do you know that your uncounscious cant say what is real and what is virtual
Do you know that every time you think in something there is a chemical change inside of you
Do you know that you can actually die if your mind says so..

WOw amazing right?

All around us is a miracle, is something we should apreciate andgive us time to enjoy what is there made before us, the nature, the wind, the words, the nice time with a friend, with a non friend, a walk under the sun, all is a moment to enjoy...

And I want to enjoy it , i want to have the time to feel the sun, the wind, to be alone over the grass, to rest, to sleep, to walk hand by hand with the person you love, call a friend, huge a friend.

I want to clean my hearth from bad feelings, from strange thoughts i dont want to have friends, i want to be happy, i want to reconciliante, I want to be

And this is my time, this is hte life and it goes so fast that if u dont enjoy it , it will go away ....

Thanks to liste to me diary
Pd. Thanks for your comments friend :) You know who i am talking about

1 comentario:

J dijo...

Hey, late but I'm here reading, well the true is that I was read it before but until now I give me a chance to write...

What can I say, I guess you write everithing, this is your time, and if you think it is so fast is because you're thinking about all the thinghs you want to do and all about all the things you're doing...

Thanks to be there...


p.d. lets go to be Grande.