jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010

This cant be that bad if It can make me feel so good

Dear Diary:

I cant simply tell you what has happened.. coz i dont even know what happened that I decided to change my life a 180°.. and I feel ( as I have been saying the whole week) as a mixer full of emotions =)

I am doing profesionally someting different, is not that I decided to leave the dream of making my country a better one or losing my faith in the new generation of leaders and profesionals but I think this is such a slow way and depence on so many decisions that I kind a got tired of waiting, I know that for many people it may seem like I have run away but is not that , is just that for some reason is NOW when I must complete some dreams..

Diary, I am going to India!! .. remember that I wanted so much togo there.. and the most exciting thing is that I am going by myself.. I am so excited that you cant imagine, I just feel myself laughing there and thinking... what was i thinking when idecided to come here alone???? =) I have asked so many things of different friends that have gone there that I stopped listening pr analyzing but so far just enjoying the feeling of excitement.

Can you believe that I wont be able to talk on my birhtday?? HAHAHA my first birthday withtout a WORD!! andI will take advantage of it , I will write and I was thinking of even write a book about how we mexicans are able to do so many things and we are just not doing them .. or maybe we are but then why its unseemable?

I am applying for my master and half of my hearth wants to be accepted and RUN AWAY literally of the feeling´s mixer but the other half just wanna stay here and start another dream and being with the people I love, so either they accept me or not I will be pretty happy with it .

And well I have get to know a friend that is really cool, that has the same belief for our country, our people, our goals and I just hope that this friend wont go anywhere and stay in mexico to support our development ...even if the answer of the "dont go " is a " I´ll think about it" jaajaja is a funny and smart person, but is a mexican that I feel proud of. =)

So many things around these days , but such a good feeling inside of me that everyday I travel my 1 hour by bus reading this great book of an American girl traveling to Italy, india and Indonesia, while listening to great german music, makes me so happy and full that I have found myself smiling or in tears looking at nothing and thinking in everything. I know that whatever the destiny has planned, there is a soul that cant do anything but feeling happy.

I lov my life more than never before, I feel alive, complete...
My soul is an spiritual soul & my life is based on service... I am on my way ..

Thanks for listening..

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