jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009

Just thinking...

Dear Diary:

Have you feel like your life is boring?

Have you felt like the rest of the world is having a great time ?

Have you thought that some social pages are promoting envy in each other?

Have you felt like you need to show the world that you are having a great time?

Have you taken pictures just to put them on a social utility and expect something back

Or even deeper

Have you thought in if what you are doing is exactly what you want to do and not only what you should do?

Have you thought in ….what you really want to do and come out with a decision that you aren’t going to change for a long time?

Do you actually know what you want?

I ask myself this questions a lot , and come out with different ideas, I want to :

  • Study a master degree
  • Travel and Live in India for a while
  • Improve the company that I am part of as a partner
  • Have kids
  • Quit the job for a while

And at the end I don’t really know what I want to do first….. and I keep thinking .. I know I am working for something, improving my self, but I still don’t Love something that much to leave everything and start doing it .

I think that makes me frustrated… not knowing what to do , where to start, where to go , just live .. and don’t even live well, but live with hurry … No time for sleeping, no time for resting, no time for exercise more than an hour , no time for reading … no for being with friends … I am living in a hurry and I want to stop it but at the same time I don’t want to stop moving…

What makes a person happy and satisfied :

  • Love
  • Health
  • Family
  • Food & Home
  • A place where you belong
  • A person that cares about you
  • A job
  • A person that needs you
  • To offer your life in order to improve somebody elses live

I think that when you have many of them , the thing that will always miss is the opportunity to give your hand to somebody else, to offer your experience and live to help somebody ... until that time you ll be complete

Lets stop thinking and start doing it .

3 comentarios:

J dijo...

exactly start doing...

In the other hand the solution to the hurries, is stop you watch, we grow up, believing that the time never stop, the time of the watches doesn't they are machines they can´t, But we can stop the time...

I'm not crazy just try it.

La soñadora dijo...

stop the time and do what ? ... I want to hear what you are thinking

J dijo...

I'm here just updating, what I'm talking about... well I'm not complety sure, hehe, but stop the time is focus your mind, your body, all your self in the same thing, doesn't matters what is this, is just be one with your envioroment... many times we did usually with the thing that we like to do, but is possible do with any thing, go to a library and get a book Called "El monje que vendio su ferrari" and enjoy it =)