miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

A Part of something!

Dear Diary 

Today after a budhist session of emotions and emptiness I was walking back home and I realized something .

Why sometimes we can feel alone around many people, why sometimes we feel the need of a stronger connection with someone or the anxious or   intolerant.  I was meditating on this during my walk and I realized that it is because of IGNORANCE, ignorance of who we are and where do we belong.

I felt part of something, in fact, part of everything, I stoped in the middel of the street to feel it, I touched a tree and  i was sure that we are all together, animate innanimate, trees, animals, people, we are all  part of our world, but we usually dont feel it that way, we feel somehowe separated of each other as only we were members of our group of family or friends,  but that is just the ignorance, because wheter we "know" each other or not we can FEEL each other,  we feel our presence, we know there is someone when we pass next to other, sometimes we tried to be indiferent but we feel it and that feeling , that realization of the other next to me, makes a whole difference and there is no way we can feel alone anymore.

It seems that when someone dies, the world is still moving but there is nothing like that a part of it has died, a part of it is gone and eveyrone means something for the rest of the world! A part of ours died with him! . The trees are standing alone sometimes next to each other but they dont look separated because deep on the earth their roots are touching each other, they are connected. We as humans are not inmovil, we can change, we can move but that doesnt mean we arent connected, our energy is ALL over the place , we can feel our vibres, our emotions, our worries, we are able to feel the other, we are part of it!

Here is when  being part of a whole requires to care about each one and love the world! Now it  has all the sense!

I am part of you and you are part of me, we are part of the world!

Buona notte!


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