martes, 4 de enero de 2011

First reflection' 2011


Have you realized how interesting is that at some point a totally random person, unknown, unseen before for you can become the most important person in your life?

It only takes a moment, it can be a difficult time, a lonely situation, a love experience... etc, but how amazing the focus and importance in one person can increase but also how can decrease.

It should be a human issue, something we can not define or explain but how easy is to get attached to someone, specially if that person represents nice words, exciting moments, smiles, is like being under drugs and that means that the de-attachment gets really hard but ...necessary! .

I am just amazed of how we can make our mind believe that what we see in someone is actually real... =) as the budhism say: if it will be real EVERYONE could see the same . its like augmented virtual reality lol!

Teachers that come and go , just to teach me how to FLOW...

Luv it~

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