martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Así como el Ganges continua fluyendo nunca siendo el mismo, cada hombre es un río

Muchas veces nos quedamos en el pasado, pensando en como pudieron suceder las cosas así como uno fue capaz de hacer lo que hizo, arrepintiéndose o teniendose compasión, pero hoy después de un año diario he decidido que es suficiente.  Ha sido suficiente tiempo para reprocharme por los errores cometidos, por las faltas hechas por las decisiones tomadas equívocamente.  Hoy no soy la persona que fui ayer, cada uno fluye con lo que le toca vivir y aprende de las experiencias pasadas.

Este año me ha servido para muchas cosas, he llorado mucho, me he atormentado con pensamientos negativos y me he sentido mal conmigo misma, y agradezco que esto haya ocurrido, demostré que al final si soy la persona que creí ser. Aquella que le importan los sentimientos de los demás y su paz es más importante que cualquier otra cosa, soy la persona que ve a la de ayer y comprende que estaba perdida y que ahora es más feliz con quien es. Si las cosas han sido difíciles querido diario, tiempos muy rudos y con grandes enseñanzas pero hoy es suficiente, dejaré ir a la chica que se lamenta por el pasado y aprendiendo de él con la cabeza en alto reconociendo que soy humana y cometo errores veré adelante esperando un futuro más próspero y con mucho amor.

Espero que Dios ilumine mi camino y que los pensamientos positivos siempre sean más fuertes que los negativos y que vea atrás como una serie de experiencias que me llevaron a ser lo que soy hoy.

Buenas noches angelito,

La soñadora

jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Someone to look after you

I am realizing that no matter what I do or i am able to do I am looking for a person that I feel he can protect me, probably because I didnt have my dad at home or nowhere close where I could feel he is protecting me, he cared of course and he loves me I know but he wasnt there to protect the house, to take decisions to make me feel relax,  everytime i met someone I can really fast say whether he is able to give me that, peace and it isnt in the sense of me doing nothing and just lay back and enjoy life while he takes care of me,  i am not like that I will never be that person however I am looking for that feeling that sometimes i just dont need to take the decisions, i can just follow him and I will love to follow someone and not being followed,  I can be a leader outside in the real world, I can fight against believes  and I know that I am perfectly able to live by myself however I dream to have that a person that take care a person that wants to share his life with someone like me with the goods and bads and be my teammate but also my protector and I just havent found that and I am in no hurry, I am learning things everyday and I am trying to be a better me even if sometimes itss just really hard to do.

I want to feel that I am part of something that wants me there ...

domingo, 1 de enero de 2012

Un nuevo año, benvenuto 2012!

Sometimes in life there are good moments and sometimes not so good, but at the end the most important thing is that we are still alive, we are here, no matter how many mistakes we did in the past, how many wrong paths we took or follow, all of those have taken us right here where we are now and has made us the person we are bad or good, right or wrong, we are alwasy able to change it, to write our own story, to change th course of our destiny and to live!

Some moments are harder than others, some are absolutely magic that no words can explain them, this year I have had many of them, I have walked around different paths, and met wonderful walkers like me that has push me to dream over an over again, but this is my life, the life I can decide how to live, the one that has bringing me back to my country because I have still something to do here, and i am realizing that every day i am here!, I have taken the right decision, and I will enjoy every day i am wherever I am meant to be!. But I am still a dreamer, and I will fight to reach this coming one, and that keeps me smiling but whether that happends soon or later I will keep smiling for all the blessing I am receiving and I will work hard to find my way, the path that fulfills me and hopefully that helps me help others, share my love and my life with other human beings around...

GRazie! grazie for a year full of experiences, learnings and moments, thanks to my angel that has taken care of me and for the life to teach me something everyday and has helped me to train my mind into a more positive one!... This is my way, this is my path, this is my life

Dear diary... here we go again!