domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


Dear diary

Everybody says that relationships have different stages and the stage of falling in love ends after a while (some people say 3 months , other couple of years),and then love becomes stronger and calm, couples no longer fell this excitement of being together, the butteflies in their stomach because the falling in love is gone and they must move to the next stage and enjoy it.

However I was thinking that accepting that, is not only sad but also dangerous because if a person falls in love on someone else that feeling will be so strong that can push that one to do crazy things and even leave a current relationship. It is also sad because that means that the feeling of excitement will no loger be there what makes the relationship transform in a old couple relationship even before their 30´s, so... it can not be true, there must be another way. And after some time thinking about it I realized that it is a LIE! , but I can only realized that now.

The real truth is that people change, even inside a couple both of them are living different lives outside their relationship, jobs, friends, experiences, conversations, feelings, etc. And if a main change of behaviour is seemable after one year, then you can see after periods of time that the person you live with is a different person, and you ARE a different person, what means that you CAN fall in love again of that person that your gf, bf, wife or husband has become every certain period of time!.

We just assumed that we know her/ him and the falling in love stage is gone.. of course that if we think this way we can live many years not realizing that the person we have next to us is changing and after some time you can feel that you dont even know him/ her anymore; you did not give you the chance in all those years to fall in love of your couple again!. GREAT eh?

Diary, I am excited to move this week, I am sure everything will go well, I have found a yoga place and even a Buddhist Center couple of blocks away of my new home so wish me all luck because I have more reasons to get excited with this change!

Thanks for listening!

martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

Stressed / Overloaded

Dear Diary :

I really dont like the times when I dont know where to start, I just feel that is non sense of having those moments in life! .

This week is getting harder and harder, every teacher is giving so many assignments and the group projects are starting to accumulate! I cant really see an ending of it!..

However I am also stressed for the accommodation, can you believe that I posted to 4 different websites, had to join several groups like Arabs in london, italians in london, french in london !! so funny, I hope it works!! But as one person told me yesterday, after doing the work something should come out from it and if it doesnt is because is the best for you... so I hope everythin will go great.. but to be honest I REALLY want to move!! that house will be so much fun to live with Moises and now there is a chance that even Tarek will move there ... will be so great!! I love this guys they are so nice and crazy , and I really need someone to talk to while I am at home!

On the other side there are nice new topics that I am learning and we are going to compete for this case challenge about water .org, an organization that helps people to get the water they need is so great! I just posted a signature on this blog and I will put some on other sites, we need to understand the importance of water and how is affecting the lives of many!

Thanks Diary, and I really need to do some exercise today, I have been sitting for 10 hours today! nuts!

Big hug and gutten nacht!

sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010

All is good!

Dear Diary,

This week has been pretty nice, it was the internet week in London and I completely loved it, we went to many events and meet interesting people in the field, the classes are getting harder but at the same time challenging and excited!

I presented my topic and my hands were shaking and after 1 min I realized that, so I breathed and smiled and suddenly I stop shaking, it was a good experience i will do it more often, I will put myself in those situaitons until I stop getting nervous about it!..oh yea!

This week I missed a friend, but not in the way i used to miss him, I miss the person, the funny situtaions, the laugh, his expresion of " ay si sii si" =), he is a fun person to be with, I hope that after some time he will want to talk to me again, I know I took the right decision, I really need every thought or feeling that should not be there, dissapear, but i just hope he is not so angry at me, that he undertands, and at some point he will consider me as a friend again. I sent him a gift for his birthday, I hope he likes it, ireally care about him and hope that he reaches his goals and dreams, from here diary, I sent him the best luck and a great hug and kiss as friends!

Diary, I have to tell you that I want to move out from my accomodation, is sooo expensive I cant afford it anymore and now I have this chance to move with one of my best friends here so I hope I find someone on time. Thanks God for sending me so nice people around, my new friends are OUTRAGEOUs! (that is a local joke) they are so cool and music oriented, funny girls and great guys, they are my family here, is amazing how the relationships you make when you are far from home can get so close!

I am happy, I am calm and I am seeing this with more clarity , I guess I am growing up!

Way to go!!

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Through the window..

Dear Diary

I finished my paper on time and I had time to practice my presentation for tomorrow.. wish me luck.!! I just hope not to get nervious, you know I dont really know how that happened! I used to make a 5 min speech in front of hundreds of people and then a 2 min improvised speech!! of course I got my adrenalin to the top that I was thinking on what to say about an specific topic on the bathroom wanting to vomit but it was so exciting!! I still do pretty nice entrances and exits but the rest sometimes gets...pretty soft.

Hopefully I will do it better is all about not getting nervious! .

Today I was walking to the school, absolutely freezing, and I saw this boy, around 14 years old looking from outside through the window of a chinese restaurant trying to watch a soccer match on the TV, I was smiling too see him so interested, but here comes the funniest part, when I walked closer to him, he was saying something, and I was curious so I slow down to realize he was actually commenting the game in his words "... And he makes the pass to his teammate, excellent pass ladies and gentlemen..." He was amazing! and I was laughing and walking towards the school thinking that life can be so different when you have imagination!

I am happy, still a little bit sick but calm and thankful.

Buenas noches diario!


sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

Sometimes you just got to do, what you got to do


Sometimes we keep looking for something that we will never find outside,
sometimes we dream of having something that you are not meant to have this life
Sometimes we forgot the reason why we are in this world
Sometimes we search for something that it doesnt exist.
Sometimes we are stock in our teenager days
Sometimes we must be strong in the consequences of our acts
Sometimes we just need to accept our reality and keep working
Sometimes we need to learn how to live happy with whatever we ´ve got
Sometimes is time to mature

Sometimes we just have to do what we are meant to do

This is one of those times.

jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

.. not very healthy ...


Por alguna razón me duele mucho el brazo,no se porque, estos dias he trabajado mucho y casi no hago ejercicio, llevo enferma de la garganta una semana y cuando hablo empiezo a toser, para acabarla y por razones que no me esperaba ahora estoy mucho más débil y aunque anímicamente me siento tranquila, fisicamente estoy agotada. Casi no puedo dormir en la noche y eso ha hecho que mi desempeño durante el dia este muy abajo de lo normal.

Estoy estresada porque no se si terminaré a tiempo los reportes y porque me toca exponer el lunes y por alguna razón siempre me pongo nerviosa con las exposiciones,.. a veces quisiera ser menos responsable y estresarme menos, al final le estoy poniéndo ganas y aunque mi atención siempre se distrae por mil cosas en mi cabeza o a mi alrededor creo que voy bien, no puedo dar más. Por ahora solo quisiera poder dormir bien hoy, todo es mucho mejor cuando uno está sano, mucho mejor .... espero componerme pronto.

Diosito cuida a toda la gente que esta enferma en este mundo, especialmente a los niños ellos merecen jugar, saltar y disfrutar su vida, cuidalos mi diosito y gracias por todo

Angelito .. ¿me ayudarías a no toser demasiado hoy?

Buenas noches , gracias diario