domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010

Through the window..

Dear Diary

I finished my paper on time and I had time to practice my presentation for tomorrow.. wish me luck.!! I just hope not to get nervious, you know I dont really know how that happened! I used to make a 5 min speech in front of hundreds of people and then a 2 min improvised speech!! of course I got my adrenalin to the top that I was thinking on what to say about an specific topic on the bathroom wanting to vomit but it was so exciting!! I still do pretty nice entrances and exits but the rest sometimes gets...pretty soft.

Hopefully I will do it better is all about not getting nervious! .

Today I was walking to the school, absolutely freezing, and I saw this boy, around 14 years old looking from outside through the window of a chinese restaurant trying to watch a soccer match on the TV, I was smiling too see him so interested, but here comes the funniest part, when I walked closer to him, he was saying something, and I was curious so I slow down to realize he was actually commenting the game in his words "... And he makes the pass to his teammate, excellent pass ladies and gentlemen..." He was amazing! and I was laughing and walking towards the school thinking that life can be so different when you have imagination!

I am happy, still a little bit sick but calm and thankful.

Buenas noches diario!


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