viernes, 31 de diciembre de 2010
My year 2010

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

Dear diary
martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010
Stressed / Overloaded

Dear Diary :
sábado, 13 de noviembre de 2010
All is good!

domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010
Through the window..

Dear Diary
sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010
Sometimes you just got to do, what you got to do
jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010
.. not very healthy ...
viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010
Its all about creativity

domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010
1 Good bye, 1 C u later

Dear Diary:
jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010
... Hard time...

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

Dear Diary:
lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010
What is the key?

- Is it the way you react, a reaction that I love that your eyes can talk through your body and that shocks you and let me realize what is what you are feeling?
- Is it the fact that I am not afraid of being crazy, of being me of exploting in your hands because I know that there is no way that you can take it wrong, taht you can judge me in that moment, that I just can be myself with you.. is that it?
- Is it the excitement of not having you for real, is it the challenge that represents to convince you, to have you?
- Or is it just me that allow myself to be in peace, to focus in only one place and one moment and just give myself to it, to whatever it is that I am doing in that moment with you...
sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010
Welcome Home London

Welcome Home London!
sábado, 9 de octubre de 2010
...Falling in love...

Dear Diary:
I am back.. these days have been wonderful, full of so many different and interesting people, ful of energy, enthusiasm and life, however I am still feeling weird it maybe because of the stress I ve been through these month, changing of life, making nuts decisions and realizing that I am , I was and I will be in the same position in people¨s life .. that kind a confuse me I am not very sure whether I am happy or sad for it, and by that I mean I am happy coz I am able to follow my life, my way, my path withouth worrying for the ... "maybe one day" dream that I was kind a stock for some time now , but on the other hand I am sad because I misunderstood everything and I am afraid that with that idea I have pushed myself in to a decision that was not the time to do.
Life is absolutely wonderful, full of dreams, life, problems, solutions, ideas and feelings,I love this place, the power it has, the energy that everyone can transmit, the opportunities, the failures, the HOPE, is a city with HOPE and it makes me calm, smile, focus on the future and live!..
I have enrolled in many clubs at the University, and I am very excited, at the Consulting Club I wil meet guys from the MBA and they are my age so that will be very cool! @ the music club I will meet people that are so different from me that makes me wonder and Tarek will be the president so that will make it fun!, @ the soccer club, Ill get to practice my english with the snobish american girls and I may get to learn how to play better, @ the Language exchange I may get to practice my italina, and @ the yoga club I may get classes for free.. so the future looks wonderful and I am happy to be here! .. Diary hold fingers for me to get another credit!
Good night
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010
It's raining men Hallelujah

Dear Diary..
well is not that there are actually men rainning, its more like a thunder of feelings towards men that have really touched my hearth this time, but at the end, I think the most important part is that I have being honest! honest with myself and with the others so I am happy!!
Its a new time, time to think, to work hard, to study hard, to analize, to be with myself and time to know more people, I am excited with it, i feel that I have left behind me some great guys but for one as I am not the one for him, he is not the one for me, and i still feel that I have failed one of them ,i wish I can repay him for this. I insist a lot many people have told me during my life that I am pretty intense, but I like to know where I am standing, I hate to be in a moving sand, I want either to be on the ice, coz at some point the spring will come and it will eventually melt, or I may be standing on a ferti soil, if its the case then I for sure will try to cultivate something, but I need to know the truth, right now, I am sure I am on the ice.. but It will melt and so far I am learning how to skate, and more towards what makes me feel happy and special =), so right now I am calm in that sense, I am terrified for what I have in front of me, I am excited, doubt, speechless but I have hope, and the strength to go on with my life.
Coz I am 29!! looking acoordingly to the buch of classmates i have like 25 maximum so WOW!! here we goo !!
I willl write later diary, right now I am very sleepy and with a bunch of papers to read!!
sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010
....all i am looking for are peace and clarity...
I have decided to put things clear on the table, to be honest to myself and say what I feel and believe, I may have change things between us but I had to say it. I wish next week I will be given a visa to study abroad for a while, one part of me really wants to go, and the other would love to stay close to him but in a different situation and as there is no way I can change that situation now, I think the best decision I can make is to go.. it may sound like I am running away but I am just protecting myself and giving myself space to have peace and clarity. YOu know Diary I am freaking out, I am so scared of going there alone with no money and no friends but inside of me I know that I will make my best to do it, to achive what I want and I know that my decision will be.... Being alone, I am afraid of losing this great support that has been there for me all these years, this great friend and beautiful human being but is not fair, is not fair to be 20% there, to be only his friend, he needs someone else that would be there for him 100 % and I cant coz you know why .. and I also need to accept the idea that my other dream may never become true, and it hurts , it really does but is true, my dream may realize that is not willing to be more than what it is and I must be prepared and this year diary is for me to have peace and clarity, I want that I need that ..
Please universal energy Hari OM help me to have this peace , get inside of me, I am opening my hearth for you.
Thanks diary , I have hope, give me GOd the strength Ineed to find my peace.
Please and I promess you Ill make my best to get it .
domingo, 8 de agosto de 2010
Calm.. no anxiety

Dear Diary:
Ihave to tell you that all this spiritual work I ve been trying to do is working, I really can say now that everywhere I go, everything I do , I feel it like " This is exactly what I want to do right now" This feeling gives me 2 things
1. Less anxiety, coz life gets calmer and nicer
2. More awareness, awareness of what I am doing , what I am feeling, what I am thinking and that is absolutely magnificient
I am so excited for everything I am doing and I want to do , there are just many things I want to learn, people I want to spend time with, feelings I want to work on, personality I want to develop and projects I want to be part of, all that makes my life full of surprises, events and happiness.
I am learning to produce my own happiness, and I have to say that this feel like if I was going out of jail, a jail that I have built myself in order to adapt to the world I thought I lived in.. everything was a lie, everything can and does change!!
This is so exciting
LIFE I am here to live you!!
domingo, 25 de julio de 2010
I ve got the best of both worlds ...

Well well well... I have quite a stressful, ineresting weeks .. I have finally work 100% in the company that me and some friends decided to open and I am so excited, nervious, stress, relax.. I actually dont even know how many feelings I have towards this, the only thing I really know is that my life has improved and I feel totally muchhh better than before.
About my personal emotional life.. well some things happened and I did get angry, sad and all those disturbed emotions that I knew it will come but I didint actually react as bad as I could have and I think I made some choices changed some attitudes, said some things and put everything in its real importance and I can say that I've got the best of both worlds!! I get to keep a great friend that I love and get the best part of him that is being a friend that anyone could say "is he ur bf?" ( as it happened this weekend) coz we have such a cool friendship where I get to bother him and viceversa and we dont dissapoint or invade the personal space of the other so.. great!!
On the other hands I am improving myself and I think I will keep on this track .. starting with the excitement of learning sooo many things, yoga, a whole 2 weeks of tibetian budism, a certificate in massage therapy, some mkt books and so on.. soo I am so happy and I thanks the world for this opportunity ...
YEa babe!! Ive got the best of both worlds!! =)
martes, 13 de julio de 2010
Its nothing...

Dear Diary:
I kind a get some things today , YOu know I asked a friend for some help to learn something and I was really hoping he ll agree.. because it wasnt big deal and I just really like to spend time with him,he is sometimes interesting, funny and nice but I just realized that he was gonna say no and inside him he really wasnt interested to help and that really make me sad, I dont know if it was because of something I used to do or did or want to do sometimes but I was just ... shocked I guess
I understand that sometimes you just dont have time or dont really feel like doing something , but I also know that when you care about someone you just try, I mean everything is possible when you really want it and this wasnt really a hard thing , I realized that I have made the right choice coz if he really couldnt say yes to this, he wouldnt definetely say yes to anything harder than it and It made me realize where I am in his life and I had gotten it all wrong, coz you know I really could lose many things for him and his friendship mean alot to me but ... is this real? ... I am just dissappointed I guess .. and a little bit sad... I guess sometimes we just dont get what we expect or want... which doesnt make anyone better or worse just sometimes you realize who are you for someone, and that is ok. JUst my night is a little bit coudy tonight, but I am sure that tomorrow will be suny again ..
Thanks for listening me diary, I just sometimes made stories on my head and believe that there are things or feelings where there are none , and that is all about growing up... =)
kisses !!
Good night
lunes, 12 de julio de 2010
Just thoughts ...

...The only way to fulfill what is empty is by realizing that is not emptiness is confusion what hurts, and have aclear mind helps to realize the beautiful life that is in front of you...
... Life is like a recipe, friends are like salt and pepper, actions the rest of the ingredients and a positive peaceful mental attitude the secret ingredient to make that recipe the most tasteful dish you´ve ever tried...
....Sometimes you just need to accept that life is not always as you wish it to be, but at the end those unpredictable situations are the best lectures for you, they make you grow, understand and accept.....
domingo, 4 de julio de 2010
Someone like her

Dear Diary:
Well .. This week I ve meet this girl and I was talking about her of relationships, goals, religions, etc.. She ended up telling me that she is working on finding out the best way to deal with the fact that she is married and in love of someonelse that doesnt love her back.. I was quite shock .. couldnt really say anything... after a while she said: "Well... but dont worry the good part of all this is that I have married a wonderful person that has taught me many things, made me a better person and is somebody I can count on, he'll be there for me, he is funny, smart, cute and absolutely a great soul ... and well the person I am in love ,even if he doesnt feel the same, he is one of my best friends and that makes me very happy" I must say that I started to be a littke bit curious and asked her:" So is everything all right?" ... She said: "Everything will be better, I know something at least , I wanna be a good person to share life with for my husband and I wanna keep my love as a friend" ... Isnt that hard I asked? ... HEll YES!! she answered..being close to the person you love withouth being able to do anything is like wanting to talk and have no voice... it feel like a pain on the chest that doesnt let you breathe, but u know as I see things.. it can always be worst, and at some point the tag for people may not be the same for all life.. what I mean is that maybe some day I wont love that person anymore, or I will decide to follow my path alone but so far I think this is the best I can do, I know and I wished that I could change eveything just in one minute but that is unreal, what I can say is that I will try my best to make this work for me and for everyone as soon as posible, and well .. there are other things I need to focus now so this maybe the least of my worries now...
I was looking at her thinking: "should be really hard to be in that situation... but then I just hugged her... She started to cry, I knew how she felt and I couldnt do more than give her a hug and tell her "everything is going t be fine, you ll see... " ANd she smiled at me she said" Iknow.. I just hoped sometimes it will be faster"
AT the end ...
Everything happens dependently and the answer to change that is only on my side ...
Steps for a new life...
jueves, 1 de julio de 2010
Every day just one step at a time
I am back and Here we comes... lets start thismind trainning ... u know that I keep thiking and thinking and I just cant stop the idea of my mind but I dont even know why I am thiking it again.. maybe because my mind got used to the idea but that idea is just making me act like a fool, yesterday I act like a total stranjger for me, I mean I was kind a sarcastic, rude and put some pressure on the conversations and request at a meeting with friends and it was because in my mind I didint know how to react and I just end up being someone I am not ... so lets train this!!=) I wanna be myself with my friends and I dont want to run away from any of them
So breath ..... I realized of it so is a good step now lets try to change it lets try to be more ourselves ok?
Day 1 Train...
Wake up early to do breakfast and be a nice person to share life with for macicko
Think positive, past is past, now the presetn and the present needs calm and tranquility
When this idea comes to your mind dont block it, just let it go but dont focus on it jut let it pass ..
LEts see how it goes..
jueves, 24 de junio de 2010
JUST to PASS through something is not enough to' KNOW it
Many things have gone through my mind these days i know what I want, I know what I need to really work hard on and I know that my mind is pretty much disturbed by the attachments I have to people and to a this particular topic- u know- .
In this matter i am such an ignorant, but I am glad i ve been through some stages that have moved me from dislike it, to ignore it to grasp it, and finally to' getting to' know it... I have realized that is a feeling many people have had at some point of their lives and by recognizing my total ignorane and decide to learn about it, some things have clarified , I have to' say that is very interesting to read about it and getting to see it in such a spiritual way however i have just this only one person in mind whenever i have to deal with this topic, and I know that right now i just should leave my feelings arise or decrease withouth reacting to' them ... It maybe because of the excitement he brings to it, the knowledge I have gained or maybe because i love the "me" that I am with it.
But then I think that there is much more about it I want to experience , to know, to feel and that the Main reason of it is that I should be' ready in mind to be able to manage such a great energy in myself
i just can tell u that I have tools now to learn to' manage my mind and i have the strength to pursue the REAL it
Thanks for listening
martes, 8 de junio de 2010
Life learnings

Dear Diary
After all this days of traveling there are many things I have learnt but I will write you here some life´s rules that i learnt
1.- Dont be too hard on yourself . Everyone has the same feelings and in many cases do similar mistakes be easier on yourself
2.- Try to feel more with the hearth lowing your rational mind
3.- Happy is just about being calm, serene in peace and smiling
4.- Everyone wants to be happy, some of them sometimes see you as the source of their happiness or suffering dont take it personal is just their perception so keep calm and try not to feel anger or hatred
5.- You can love and you should love as many people as you feel just the way to demonstrate it is the difference, give everyone a place in your life but dont tagged everyone as enemy, friend or stranger, this taggs can be moved very easily to one place to the other.
6.- The best way to be a better wife is also to be a better daughter.
7.-Compassion with love and wisdom arethe best skills I should develop
8.- There are few chances where the world is just waiting for you to grow your spiritual path, healthy, economically stable, educated, free.... what am i waiting for? .. professional career, retirement? Time is now .
9.- Training my mind is the only way tothe happiness... being aware of wrong perceptions, will allow me to understand many situations and take away the suffering and ignorance of my life.
10.... GO FOR IT.. I can do this !! .. this is now!
I am very happy I actually had the time and guts to start this trip, and I hope that I will be able to do what I want.. I want happiness in my life.. I ll get happiness in my life for my soul and mind.
Thanks for listening me ..
miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010
Where is it ? What isit ?
miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010
Let it go & make a room for something better
miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010

Sometimes we spent our life trying to find answers, to understand things, situations, that may not have a real answer a real solution. And then in a day like today and yesterday I just realize that ... eyy baby ... I am alife!! , I am healthy, I am young, I am smart .. and why not.. I am pretty!! =) So why to spend my time in these, why I am trying to understand it, why I get sad when I realize that things have changed, that I ve lost people on the way, I ve kept some of them too ... why not to be happy just for the fact of being HERE !!
lunes, 5 de abril de 2010
Finding the missing piece inside of me
Dear Diary:
Here i go with my next goal ..this is a hard age... I wanna laugh at when I am in my 30´s .. so in order to do that ...
I will experience happiness as an individual first again ..
Being grateful with what I already have..
- What I like about myself ...
I like being a person who thinks that everything is possible
I like the sensitiveness in my heart
I like my determination to do what I want to do
I like being a dreamer
I like myself when I look at me in the mirror
I like being a clown and being able to laugh at myself
I like being analytic but at the same time adventurous
I like being an independent and smart woman
- What I have going pretty well in my life ...
I have finished part of my academic dreams
I have the strenght to travel, to experience dreams and life alone
I have worked in what I wanted
I have done stupid things and learnt with my mistakes
I have adapt myself in hard situations
I have realized of my weaknesses
I have got to know myself deeper
- What I want to let go ...
The insecurity of my decisions
The unknown "what i want"
The anxiety of wanting to do things I cant manage
The sadness of not being great
The stubborness of not accepting and enjoy my reality
The stupidity of not let people go away from my life.
The blindness of not realizing who I am for who and not prioritize this in my decisions
The emptiness in my heartGod Help me to let the situations, feelings, persons flow , let me be in balance with myself.
HELP ME WITH THIS FEELING.. help me to forget, to take away a feeling that is not real, help me to find myself again, help me to love myself, the nature, the world around me, teach me how to share this love , teach me how to scape from this.
I am grateful to Spirit/God from the bottom of my heart for all the above-mentioned blessings. I am so blessed and lucky! Thank you very much!
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
... Learning, LIVING, smiling...
jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010
This cant be that bad if It can make me feel so good

Dear Diary:
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2010
A novel
viernes, 12 de febrero de 2010
Regresando al camino ...

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010
doing good, going in a good way, doing what I want to do....feeling satisfied

... In a good way ... I think i have taken good decisions... This year i have decided to put my coins in one basquet ( todas mis monedas en una canasta jajja ) .. in the family, calmness, hard word, free time to know myself basquet..
ANd I have done it good, I need to accept that i am not perfect and iwill never be, sometimes I actually hurt people withouth wanting it, but I have decide not to put in my life situations that may increase those chances and for that .. I have given in good hands a good project that I started to give metime to think and start new "dreams", ones that makes me calm, satisfied and commited.
Unfortunately I have realized that I am not very good in team work" tasks, I will work in my tolerance and communication, I want to improve withouth hurting anyone on the way. =)
I have started to dream again, and do what i must do to be calm and is basically
- Focus on my work.. do what i know to do in the best way with responsability and passion
- Be with my family... share every moment I can with them.
- Start dreaming and looking for other ways.... Analizing myself of what i want and what i will do to achieve it..
I am on this way ... on my own.. and I am happy for it ..
And today the volcanoes reminded me how beautiful is to be in this world and that there is nothing a human can do that will be more perfect than the nature.... We are just a small part of the greatest thing in world...